Plastic free July: Low tox life Alexx Stuart

How To: Go Low-plastic

Happy Plastic Free July! In the month where we try extra hard to give plastic the heave-ho for good, we’re featuring some highly practical tips...

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Clare Press for Peppermint magazine on sustainability

Clare Press on… Diversity

Following her awesome, inspirational appearance at this year’s Brisbane PepTalks event, Clare Press – author, presenter of the Wardrobe Crisis podcast and Australian Vogue’s Sustainability Editor-at-Large –...

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How to Have an Ethical Wedding

The ceremony, the flowers, the speeches, THE DRESS – when you’re in the midst of wedding-planning madness, it can feel like there’s approximately one million...

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Peppermint Magazine make your own butter: My Darling Lemon Thyme

Recipe: Make Your Own Butter

We’re throwing it back to Issue 23 of Peppermint with this lovely recipe for homemade butter, courtesy of cookbook author and blogger Emma Galloway – aka...

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