Meet Your Maker

Last Wednesday morning at Ginger and Smart’s Paddington boutique, Ethical Clothing Australia held the first of many Meet Your Maker events. As the name suggests,...

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Spirited Style

That trusty fashion staple, the little black dress, is about to be transformed yet again by emerging Australian designers for next years ‘The Spirit of...

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An SOS to the World

Ethics and eco-friendliness don’t typically go hand-in-hand with mass-market fashion. Rules of thumb are made to be broken, however, and ASOS are certainly challenging our...

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Get Your Swap On

October has rolled around again and Oxfam’s annual Exchange for Change, a month-long campaign dedicated to raising ethical fashion awareness, is well underway. Part of the...

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Give And You Shall Receive

Spring has sprung and it’s time to clear that wintery musk from our wardrobes. We all know a clothing swap fosters the opportunity to make someone’s...

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Take It Off, Brisbane

Undress Brisbane is a new fashion movement with sustainability on its mind. Their message is simple: If you don’t know where it was made, what it...

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Keeping It In The Family

Some families are creative by nature. If your grandmother owned her own clothing store in 1940s Melbourne, there’s a good chance a love of sewing...

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Fashion Flash Mob!

You’ve probably heard of Rachel Burke’s ambitious fashion project, I Make You Wear It. Well, she’s about to reach the halfway point and she hasn’t...

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The Secret Garden Party

Sparkling wine, delicious pastries and acoustic summer music – now that sounds like a fine way to spend a sunny afternoon in Perth. The Secret...

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Old Skin, New Skin

We’re loving this bold new collection from Melbourne-based designer Neisha Smith. Using zero waste cutting methods, Neisha didn’t let a scrap of fabric go unsewn...

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A Long Way From Home

Ahh, did we mention how much we love Fabled and True? (We did actually, back in Issue 8, but there’s no harm in reminding you)....

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New Zealand Fashion Week

Guest post by Tullia Jack New Zealand Fashion Week is always exciting. There’s something about the way our antipodean cousins approach fashion that is so...

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