Fashion Revolution Week 2020 #1

Fashion Revolution Week 2020

It’s Fashion Revolution Week. This is the week, traditionally, when we pause to remember the 1,138 fast fashion workers who tragically lost their lives, with...

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Easter Choco-lockdown

You might be currently living on a diet of chocolate, Netflix and more chocolate, but let’s not let that get in the way of a...

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The Bottom Line

When we put together our toilet feature in Issue 45, we had no idea just how timely it would be. While researching the environmental impacts...

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Dr Rebecca Ray

Uncertainty as Possibility

During this time of great turbulence, what if you took curiosity by the hand and pondered over your potential for growth? Clinical psychologist Dr Rebecca...

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The Big List of Good Things

It’s tough right now, hey? We hear you. As the situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve daily, it’s important that we find innovative ways to...

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Grace Stratton and Angela Bevan

Fashion For All

Online shopping can be tricky enough at the best of times, but for those with a disability the experience can be a minefield. New Zealand-based...

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What Is Equality?

In celebration of International Women’s Day today, which has the theme #EachforEqual, we’ve asked fourteen brilliant people: what does equality mean to you?  The IWD...

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