Girl Rising

“Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he’ll eat forever” says the famous proverb. While...

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The Great Australian Swap

The idea is simple: swap it, don’t throw it away! But before The Clothing Exchange can invite you to turn through your wardrobe and trade garments,...

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Under the Elm Tree

Inspired by the urge to bring their Parramatta community together through crafting and making, The Elm Tree – Handmade in Australia is a pop-up market opening in...

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Dress for Success

Every October, not-for-profit organisation One Girl invite men and women, boys and girls to frock up in a school dress in the name of their major annual fundraiser, Do It...

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Crafty Kiddos

No more cries of ‘I’m bored’ this school holiday season – there are Spring workshops for kiddos happening right around the country! Down in Sydney,...

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2013 Fairtrade Awards

This year marks the first annual Fairtrade Awards: an initiative shining a light on Australian companies (and individuals) who are actively taking steps to support...

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Behind The Barcode

In the wake of the tragic Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, there has been even more pressure on fashion labels to be open and transparent...

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Calling All Phones

While there’s no shame in going weak at the knees for a shiny new gadget every now and then, but that doesn’t mean we should...

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EcoXpo 2013

EcoXpo is back and bigger than ever, with another stellar program of exhibitors from all walks of eco life! Sydney’s Rosehill Gardens Racecourse is the...

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Get Caught Reading

Did you know it was Indigenous Literacy Day last week? A national event aimed at raising awareness (and vital funds!) for literacy in over 200...

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Make Yourself Heard

What do you think the world needs to hear? Given a soapbox, a megaphone and a chalkboard, what would you say? Melbourne artist Alex Desebrock...

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