Fully Clothed
Known for their boxy tees and signature oversized smock dresses, New York’s State the Label are all about easy-to-wear, ready-to-go sustainable fashion. Now Adrienne Antonson, State’s founder and designer, is putting that philosophy to the test as she takes up an artist’s residency at Portland’s Museum of Contemporary Craft. With just a few basic sewing supplies on hand, Adrienne is about halfway through the Fully Clothed Project, a challenge that will see her design and make her own self-contained wardrobe over 14 days. Creating an outfit every day (including her own shoes!) while still juggling normal life, artist talks, workshops and her label, Fully Clothed is an exercise in self sufficiency and a test of creativity. Using upcycled materials exclusively, so far Adrienne has showcased her skills as a seamstress with some incredible garments including a 36-dart, tea-stained skirt and a two-piece suit dyed by hand with indigo – all in the space of 24 hours. You can follow Adrienne’s two-week wardrobe adventures on Instagram – and be sure to take note of all the handy DIY hints and sew-your-own inspiration she shares along the way.