We’ve Got The Power
One of the year’s best-loved environmental campaigns is upon us again. This Saturday March 28 at 8.30pm, it’s time to switch off the lights and reflect on climate change for Earth Hour 2015. More than 170 countries are set to participate in this year’s event which has special significance, taking place just days before a deadline for UN-member states to submit their carbon-curbing pledges ahead of a December summit where new carbon-reduction targets will be laid out.
Show your support this weekend by participating in one of Earth Hour’s registered events – perhaps by dancing in the dark at a No Lights No Lycra party, happening in most capital cities. Or you could get behind WWF’s Save The Ales campaign, which highlights climate change’s threat to declining cereal crops in an appeal to brew-loving Australians. It’s not too late to register your own picnic, camp-out or cook -up – check out Earth Hour’s tips for marking the occasion and don’t forget to switch off tomorrow night!