Ultimate Ethical Design Job
For the last 12 months, the lovely Nina O’Brien from Brisbane eco label Kindling has been working at the Blue Sphere ethical clothing workshop in Hanoi Vietnam, helping with garment design, pattern-making and training staff. Nina has had a fabulous time working with this great team, however her time with Blue Sphere is nearing its end, and so they are looking for a replacement for the next 12 months. Could it be you? You can apply for this position now (in the ‘Governance’ section), and if successful you will be fully trained and prepared for your assignment, as well as having travel, living and accommodation allowances when you’re there. Placing young Australians (18-30) on short-term assignment in developing countries around the world, the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) covers a diverse range of sectors, including Education, Environment, Health and Rural Development. It’s an awesome opportunity to get some work experience in the fashion industry, help support fair trade, join a fantastic team and share your skills at the same time. Applications close May 27 so don’t dilly dally!