Swap Shop
There’s nothing like a spot of catwalk action to get you thinking about your wardrobe, so with the Loreal Melbourne Fashion Festival taking place right now, we’re guessing there are plenty of Melbournians with visions of the latest threads dancing through their heads. But not everyone can afford to shell out for a whole new collection of clothes (and besides, think of the carbon footprint if you did that every six months!). So thank goodness for the ladies at The Clothing Exchange, who have decided to host a special swap during LMFF this Monday, March 12th, at 6.30pm. For those yet to discover the joys of swapping, the rules are simple: bring up to six pieces of clothing (including accessories, shoes and bags) which you no longer need but are in excellent condition, register, receive a button for each item you bring, and then swap till you drop (or until you get a whole “new” set of things to wear)! For more information and to buy tickets, head to The Clothing Exchange website.