Meal for a Meal
It’s hard to remember the days when we didn’t pause before tucking into our food to share the experience via a social media post or two. It’s estimated that 90 photos bearing the #foodporn hashtag are uploaded to Instagram every minute – that’s over 47 million each year! While we all enjoy keeping tabs on what’s trending, just imagine if that sharing power could be harnessed to create change in the offline world too. That’s exactly the idea behind #mealforameal, a new joint initiative between OzHarvest and Virgin Mobile Australia. Catering for the two million Australians who depend on food relief to get by, OzHarvest rescue some of our $8 billion worth of food waste from public eateries and deliver it to 500 charitable organisations around the country. If you’ve read about OzHarvest’s good work (maybe even in Issue 18 of Peppermint!) and want to show your support, here is your chance. Next time you upload a foodie photo to Instagram, add the #mealforameal hashtag onto your post and Virgin will make a donation to OzHarvest, helping them share the love and provide a person in need with a nourishing meal. Together Virgin and OzHarvest are aiming to raise enough money to deliver 400,000 meals…
So what are you waiting for? Get cooking – and get tagging!