Make Yourself Heard
What do you think the world needs to hear? Given a soapbox, a megaphone and a chalkboard, what would you say? Melbourne artist Alex Desebrock asked locals in Brunswick what they really wanted to get off their chest as part of a public art project, What Does the World Need to Hear? Some of the answers have been a bit silly, some sad, some poignant. Free speech. Gardens. Giggles. Poached eggs. Keep it green. Think. Don’t worry. Six-year-old Dailoli got up and told the world “I think asylum seekers should be free”. Musicians have wooed audiences with a song, and there have been shouts and poems and discussions about sharing recipes, all do to with taking a bit more responsibility for what’s heard in the world. If you have something to say, or write, or ask, then pop by Counihan Plinth at the Brunswick Town Hall this Saturday (September 14) at 1pm for the final installment – or if you want to make your mark in chalk, then the blackboard will be there for the rest of the week. If you’re not in Melbourne but want to share the love, head over to the blog and add your two cents.