Fashion’s Dirty Secrets
By now all you lovely Peppermint readers have probably got the hint that the fashion industry has a lot of dirty secrets. But it’s not often that the industry airs its own dirty laundry. Fashion’s Dirty Secrets, presented by The Fashion Mob and Ms Wanda’s Fashion at E17 Art Trail in London, is an exhibition offering an intimate look into the lives and environments that are often exploited in garment manufacture.
Showing images donated by non-profit organisations including Greenpeace, ActionAid and Traid, visitors are invited to view a scarcely-seen side of the garment industry in countries like Sri Lanka. Also featured in the show are photographs of the alien-like landscapes of some of China’s largest rivers, polluted by toxic dyes. The exhibition encourages consumers to remember the nasty effects of cheap clothing and mass manufacturing. As Fashion Mob founder Esther Freeman explains:
“Too often we are disengaged from who and how our clothes are made. This exhibition is an attempt to visually represent the real story behind them, away from the glamourous catwalks and shiny magazine covers. The aim is to inspire people in to action to start making a positive difference to the impact of the fashion industry.“
Not for the faint hearted, but a must see for anyone in London between now and September 14.