Fairly Rosy
Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a big bunch of red roses, but in our minds, that love is even greater if you think a little deeper about where those roses have actually come from. While we usually only see them teasing us with their beauty from florist windows, more and more roses actually make their way to Australia via Kenya and Colombia – countries where there are very few checks and balances on the working conditions and environmental conditions on the farms on which they’re grown. But Melbourne-based fair trade campaigner Jen Chaput is out to change that with the introduction of Australia’s first Fairtrade-certified flower business, Instant Karma Roses, supplying customers throughout Melbourne and wholesalers right across the country. So the next time you buy your loved one a sweet rosy dozen (Valentine’s Day is just round the corner after all!), you can spread the love even further to workers and their families right on the other side of the world. {Instant Karma Valentine’s Day orders need to be placed by January 25}.