Dare to Dress Up
We all know how our outfit can influence our mood and confidence, but it can also affect job prospects. Running during L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival, Dare to Wear Day on March 15 offers you a chance to give the wild and wacky items from your wardrobe an airing and raise money for Fitted for Work, an organisation that helps disadvantaged women find and keep work. While you’re pushing your fashion boundaries, why not check out how some RMIT fashion design graduates have challenged traditional notions of how our national fibre can be used in Wool Fashion Now, a free exhibition at the GPO until March 24, or explore the endless potential in a single garment at the free Little Black Dress Project exhibition by blogger Cheryl Lin at Melbourne Central until March 31. If one LBD isn’t enough, head to the Intercontinental at the Rialto to feast your eyes on 10 designer dresses at The Spirit of the Black Dress, on display until April 1. And if your ears are wanting a piece of the action, book in to hear from a sustainable fashion guru at In Conversation with Kate Fletcher at the RMIT Design Hub, March 22.