Calling All Phones
While there’s no shame in going weak at the knees for a shiny new gadget every now and then, but that doesn’t mean we should neglect to deal with our old ones responsibly. Looking to round up the some 23 million unused phones lying around Australian homes right now, MobileMuster are once again putting out the call for your old phones and accessories. They may not have the mod-cons or pretty colour combinations of today’s mobiles, but old handsets (and the batteries, chargers and other associated accessories) do contain salvageable materials that can be recycled. And with a new iPhone out this week, there’s no better time to start thinking about how you deal with your e-waste. Apple are currently one of only two companies who’ve declined to participate in the MobileMuster program, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still donate your Apple devices. Promising to recycle responsibility and ethically (without selling your waste into developing countries), MobileMuster offer a number of recycling solutions – visit their site to find your nearest collection point or download a free mailing label!