All The Feelings
How are you feeling? Like, right this minute? Our emotions can fluctuate throughout the day according to our environment and the activities we’re doing, but it’s not often we take the time to really check in with ourselves – or the people in our lives. New not-for-profit project How is Australia Feeling? aims to chart the emotions of people across the country in real time as part of Mental Health Week (running from 5-11 October), and then use the data to start a national dialogue about mental health and how we really feel from moment to moment. If you’re feeling the urge to take part, download the free app today and start tracking those fleeting emotions! You’ll be asked to log whether you’re feeling happy, sad, anxious, angry, powerful or peaceful at various times throughout the day, and then what you’re doing (working, commuting, relaxing) that could be contributing towards that particular mental state.
It’s an important issue, especially for the men in our lives: studies show that one million Australian adults have depression, two million experience anxiety and suicide is the leading cause of death amongst men aged 14-44. The project is only running till this Saturday, so download the app here, add your voice and spread the word! And after it’s over, don’t forget to take the time to ask your friends and family that crucial question: “How are you really feeling?”