3things for The World & You!
If you believe that one individual changing one action can have an impact on the global good, then imagine what multiplying that action by three can do? Well, those clever people at Oxfam have done exactly that, and are this week kicking off their 3things campaign: encouraging a more ethical, sustainable and generous society by asking all of us to commit to three things that we can change in our lives for the better. These aren’t turn-your-world-upside-down kind of changes, but the results – collectively – just might be. So if you’re ready to nominate your own 3things, head to the 3things website and pledge now. As a little sweetener, Oxfam has also given us a tasty bounty of Oxfam Fair goodies to give away, including coffee and (possibly the world’s best) chocolate. All you need to do is pledge your 3things online and comment back here telling us what they are. Easy!