WIN! Green Heart Designers
Last Sunday we took part in the annual Brisbane City Council Green Heart Fair at Chermside, showing off our latest issue with the gorgeous Lily Cole on the cover (What?! You haven’t seen it yet? Pop on down to your local newsagent quick sticks!). Joining us in our fabulous bell tent (supplied by Lotus Belle Luxury Camping Tents) were some of our favourite eco designers: Alice Nightingale (vintage-inspired locally-and handmade fashion), Nico Underwear (ECA-accredited eco lingerie), The Goodnight Society (newly launched fairtrade organic pyjama label), along with a display from Bestowed (locally-made organic fashion). We had chats in our tent with the designers throughout the day, along with a talk from our Ingredients Inspector, Dr Sarah Lantz (also from Buchi Kombucha), on the benefits of fermenting for gut health and vitality. If you didn’t make it down to the fair, don’t despair – to continue celebrating the love we had on the day, we have a fabulous competition for you all – three of the designers that took part are giving away $150 to spend in their stores! To be in the running to win, check out the website of the designers, share the competition photo on Facebook or Instagram with #pmgreenheartdesigners and also the hashtag noted below of the designer you would like to win, along with which item you love the most from the label. Entries must be in by 10am Thursday 12th June. We heart designers with a green heart!
Alice Nightingale #pmgreenheartAN
Nico Underwear #pmgreenheartNU
The Goodnight Society #pmgreenheartTGS