Tickle Me Pink!
Each year a number of brands support National Breast Cancer Month by donating a percentage of their sales, but before you put your money where you heart is, just make sure that the products themselves are safe for your health, and the environment. Donating directly is one way to ensure your money is going to such an important cause, without supporting any unnecessary nasties. Or try and support companies with green credentials and natural products. Our pink picks? Members of BrisStyle have teamed up with Chicks In Pink and are donating a percentage of their profits on a selection of pink hand-made wares sold online to raise money for the cause. On top of the online shopping fundraiser, the BrisStyle Markets will be joining Chicks In Pink on Sunday the 23rd October rd at Eagle Farm Racecourse for their very pink breakfast, brunch and fashion parade. Go along and support the charity organisation helping those affected by breast cancer at Brisbane’s Mater Hospital. Another favourite is Nature’s Baby Organics, natural and organic skincare for bubs and mums, who donate to breast cancer charities year round.