The ‘We Are One’ Issue: Out Now!
Hurrah, our Autumn Issue 41 goes on sale today!
We look at our connection with nature and each other – starting with the evocative, powerful ‘Endangered’ cover photo series by Tamara Dean. A comment on how humans interact with our surroundings, the series was shot on the Great Barrier Reef, and is a striking reminder that we are all one: humans, the creatures we share the planet with and the world as a whole.
With this in mind, we’ve gathered some rituals from different cultures around the globe – looking at their approaches to the big issues of community, food, mental health, clothing and death, and how can we learn from them. When it comes to seeing the world for ourselves, we speak to three companies helping us have a lighter impact when we indulge our inner wanderlust.
Elsewhere, journalist and non-profit founder Erica Bartle takes an in-depth look at the fatal attraction of fast fashion; we explore the connection-making, mood-elevating power of the humble houseplant; and we take a deep-dive into the clean money revolution – finding out how each of us can use our dollars to make the world a better place.
There’s also a roundup of the best ways to achieve zero-waste status on the go, a guide to properly storing your fruit and veggies to reduce food waste (featuring farty fruit and prudy produce), confessions from a real-food foodie, notes from the no-poo trenches (that’s shampoo) and a seasonal vegetable pickle recipe that’s so delicious you’ll want to make it in major bulk.
Plus you’ll find all the usual amazing eco fashion, natural beauty and more, as well as a free sewing pattern for a mid-length wrap skirt that’ll have your autumn wardrobe all wrapped up. Grab a copy today from your local newsagent, independent stockist or the link below – and thanks for welcoming Peppermint into your world!