LUSH Supports Equal Love
The freedom to love whoever we choose is something that many of us take for granted. But in 76 countries around the world it’s a crime to be gay – and in 10 of these it can even cost you your life. International cosmetics giants LUSH are taking a stand against this discrimination in the lead up to Valentine’s Day, by promoting their campaign for LGBTQ rights with All Out – the global movement for love and equality with over 1.9 million members. You can join in and show your solidarity by visiting any participating LUSH store before 14th February and having a Sign of Love (the pink triangle that is now seen as a global sign of LGBTQ rights) painted anywhere on your face or body. With the Winter Olympics currently being held in Russia – a country that has recently passed a law prohibiting gay ‘propaganda’ – now’s the perfect time to get involved and make your voice heard! As part of the campaign, LUSH are compiling a series of photo petition books, which they plan to send to Russian embassies worldwide on the international day of love. Follow the #signoflove hashtag and start spreading the love for equality and acceptance around the globe. Go on, we promise to love you forever if you do!