Love Food, Hate Waste
If you are based in Sydney, love food and hate waste, you are going to want to get to this inspiring event on April 8. Held in Parramatta, in Sydney’s western suburbs and coordinated by the 1 Million Women campaign, the event features original Masterchef winner Julie Goodwin, who will be cooking up a feast from leftovers, as well as famed cooking family the Fultons, ABC broadcaster Bernie Hobbs and sustinability guru Lish Fejer, who will be talking all things DIY veggie gardening.
The event runs for two hours and is dedicated to celebrating the food we love, while discussing tips for wiping out waste. It promises to give you all the tools you need to cut food waste by 50% and save $500 or more in the process. Better yet, the event is completely free and you can find out more information, including how to RSVP, on the event webpage!