Issue 23 Cover Story: Belle Gibson


UPDATE: Please note that this issue was published in August 2014, well before the revelations about Belle Gibson came to light. As many, we were unaware that Belle did not have cancer and was fabricating her story. We do not condone her actions and nor do we support any of her statements that were included as part of our main feature. We regret publishing this story and do not stand behind any of her words, actions or the story as a whole. We have left our words below for transparency but want to clarify that Belle was NOT living with malignant cancer. We are deeply sorry for any harm caused by Belle or our story.

Melbourne-based Belle Gibson is founder and creator of the popular ‘The Whole Pantry’ app – billed as the world’s first health, wellness and lifestyle app and downloaded more than 200,000 times in its first two weeks of release. She is living with malignant cancer and started the app as a way to reach out to others who needed support – harnessing the power of social media to bring her movement to the masses. Her The Whole Pantry book containing a selection of new recipes was released yesterday (with a book signing session happening in Melbourne this afternoon). Read Belle’s full interview about her food philosophy on page 78 of our ‘Food for Thought’ Issue 23 (on shelves now)…

Get your hands on Peppermint Issue 23 for more from Belle, plus food-related wisdom from Simon Bryant, Stephanie Alexander, Sarah Wilson, Liz Wolfe and more. Bon appétit!
